Power of design
Keywords: web design, graphic design, visual storytelling, people-centered, values, new year The beginning of a new year is a time for many to hit the reset button. Us included. RedCAT Systems superfans might have noticed in recent months that we’ve been tinkering with our color palette, logo, and overall digital identity. These breadcrumbs have…
Read MoreCoaching to performance reviews
Read time: 3 minutes Keywords: Performance, Performance management, communication, expectations, leaders, skills Surprises are best for birthdays, discounts, and canceled meetings. Your performance review isn’t one of those things. Prepare your team for success through regular communication and realistic expectations. Communication and connection In Gallup’s Global Indicators: Leadership and Management, only 20% of those surveyed…
Read MoreManaging turnovers and microstress in the healthcare industry
Keywords: Healthcare, HR, transparency, change agent, performance management, compensation Healthcare workers have devoted their lives to serving the community. How can we ensure they’re getting the support they need? From administrator to practitioner, we need to improve their experience and provide the compensation and performance conversations that matter. Current landscape We can better serve this…
Read More5 Things to Know About Performance
Keywords: Performance, conversation, engagement Performance evaluations are designed to be a two-way street and part of an ongoing ritual to establish trust and confidence in the employee and leader relationship. To strengthen that experience, here are five things to shape your next performance conversation. 1. Lead with kindness. Emotional intelligence can go a…
Read More5 Things to Know About Compensation
Keywords: Compensation, communication, market At the surface level, compensation is often narrowed down to two main topics: how much is it and when is it available. In reality, there are several additional factors to consider when discussing compensation at any level in your company. 1. Pay Equity. This ensures those performing the same…
Read MorePrepare For Your Next Compensation Cycle with RedCAT Systems
Compensation teams are the forces behind budgeting for salaries, bonuses, and wealth opportunities. You can use RedCAT’s dashboards and data analysis to ensure your teams are hitting the mark and holding meaningful conversations with their employees. Cross-functional collaboration is necessary throughout an enterprise to achieve budgeting targets. It requires working with the executive teams to…
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