Managing turnovers and microstress in the healthcare industry
Keywords: Healthcare, HR, transparency, change agent, performance management, compensation Read time: 3 minutes Healthcare workers have devoted their lives to serving the community. How can we ensure...
WorldatWork’s 2024 Total Rewards Conference
We can’t wait to see you at WorldatWork’s 2024 Total Rewards’24 Conference in Cincinnati. Stop by the RedCAT Systems booth and attend our session with Instacart to hear about the...
5 Things to Know About Performance
Read time: 2 min Keywords: Performance, conversation, engagement   Performance evaluations are designed to be a two-way street and part of an ongoing ritual to establish trust and confidence in...
5 Things to Know About Compensation
Read time: 2 min Keywords: Compensation, communication, market   At the surface level, compensation is often narrowed down to two main topics: how much is it and when is it available. In...
Prepare for your next compensation cycle with RedCAT Systems
Read time: 2 min Compensation teams are the forces behind budgeting for salaries, bonuses, and wealth opportunities. You can use RedCAT’s dashboards and data analysis to ensure your teams are...
Webinar: Value of Performance & Compensation Strategies in Uncertain Economic Times
As headlines about transparency, remote work, and inflation dominate the news cycle, have we lost our focus on rewarding performance? And how does global economic uncertainty impact an...

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